Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Church Intelligence

According to a recent Christian post:

Just 17% of Protestant churchgoers in America demonstrate a “decent” level of discipleship or spiritual maturity, claims Brad Waggoner, author of Shape of Faith to Come: Spiritual Formation and the Future of Discipleship (B&H 2008). This minority scored 80% or higher on a Spiritual Formation Inventory, developed to measure key areas of Christian discipleship. Waggoner writes, "At present I believe that too many of us are settling for easy goals. It is one thing to grow a church numerically. It is quite another to seek the transformation of heart, mind, and character."

Other findings show only 16% of Protestant churchgoers read their Bible daily, while another 20% read it "a few times a week."

~23% "agreed strongly" with the statement, "When I come to realize that some aspect of my life is not right in God's eyes, I make the necessary changes."
~47% admitted to just "going through the motions," often during the singing and prayer portions of worship services, while 25% strongly disagreed.

In the past six months, 29% said they shared with someone how to become a Christian twice or more, 14% did so once and 57% not at all. 55% of churchgoers believe they grew spiritually over the past year, yet only 3.5% showed a statistically significant level of growth.

This must be know before we can do something. Let's doers of the word and not just hearers.

Christian Post 10/14/08

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