Saturday, June 9, 2012


There are traps the enemy likes to set. 
Here are a few to avoid in your life: 

1. Doubt
The most used vice by the enemy is doubt because it comes in all shapes and sizes. We doubt ourselves, our friends, family, our future and God. Don’t let doubt creep in you life. 

2. Discouragement
There are people that God has put in your life to encourage you. The hardest thing in the world to do is encourage someone that doesn’t want to be encouraged. Be one that accepts encouragement. 

3. Diversion
Often, life’s problems tend to get more attention than God’s promises. Don’t let diversion be used on you. Focus on the promises that God has for you. 

4. Defeat
One way that people end up living in defeat is comparing your life to others. “Compare and compete and you’ll live in defeat.” 

5. Delay
Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today. There may be something in your life that you have been wanting to do or waiting to do. Don’t delay. If the enemy can have you delay you can decay. There is no time like today!

1 comment:

Laura Parker said...

This is very true..... The part about encouragement is the one that sticks out the most. You are encourage someone who is not receptive is very difficult, impossible actually. Can't cast pearls before swine..... But there are those who need it......and will openly embrace the life and words God has for them!