Thursday, September 25, 2008

FEAR and it's dominant falsehood

A mother and her little four-year-old daughter were preparing to retire for the night. The child was afraid of the dark, and the mother, on this occasion alone with the child, felt fearful also. When the light was out, the child caught a glimpse of the moon outside the window. “Mother,” she asked, “is the moon God’s light?” “Yes,” said the mother. The next question was, “Will God put out His light and go to sleep?” The mother replied, “No, my child, God never goes to sleep.”

Then the child said to her mother, “Well, as long as God is awake, there is no sense both of us staying awake.”

Isn’t this just one example of how much God loves us?

I remember many years ago I heard an acronym that put FEAR in perspective. Fear can be characterized as False Evidence Appearing Real. Even though that thought can be a bit different, fear is really often faith in the devil and/or faith in a lie. We don't see that and often in the surface our fears are not "spritual" but fears are rooted in the ability to fall into something we dont have control over. Control is key and when we lose that, we begin to be afraid and fear sets in. The NASB puts 1 John 4:18 this way "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."

When you believe a lie, you empower the liar. Empower your faith and let God be who He says He is.

"Fear paralyzes; curiosity empowers. Be more interested than afraid."
-Patricia Alexander, Book of Comforts

"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."
-William Shakespeare, "Measure for Measure", Act 1 scene 4

Friday, September 19, 2008

Saved for what? Tozer speaks...

“We are saved to worship God. All that Christ has done for us in the past and all that he is doing now leads us to that one end.”

— A. W. Tozer

Monday, September 15, 2008

Staying In Touch

I just added a section to this blog. If you want to become a follower of this blog, scroll down and follow the directions and we can stay in touch. This blog is free to have and free to follow.

As far as us, all is well with Consuming Fire Ministries and the Cruz family. Josiah is now a week old and beautiful.


ps. a friend of mine Pastor Tony Searles had something on his blog that I wanted to share with you as well. As an interesting note, Gov. Sarah Palin has an A/G gal. See for yourself HERE.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


It been a long couple of days but Elisha and I are working through the adjustments of two children. Tricky is the best word that comes to mind. Fortunately my wife is a troubleshooter and is such a trooper. I understand why God gave me such a wonderful woman - to off set me :)

First Thessalonians 3:3 tells us that we should know that God sends people to encourage us "so that no one would be unsettled by these trials. You know quite well that we are destined for them." God has done that for us with family bringing food and showing love in various ways. I am grateful for all that have sent comments and emails. I think I sent over 50 txt messages sharing and have heard back from many. I would love to hear from you friends that read this. Since I do not have a myspace or facebook, this is my means of communication and I love sharing my thoughts on life and some other not so urgent things.

Be encouraged today and know that whatever God has put in your path, it didn't get there without His knowing and approval.

for pics of my son... click our website here

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Josiah Lee Cruz

Josiah Lee Cruz - September 6, 2008
Born 11:35 AM - 6lbs 11oz.

Pictures coming....

Friday, September 5, 2008

Any day now...

If you can remember, pray for Elisha. We are due any day now with our second little boy. The next time I blog, I will probably be with the details. Thanks all.

~Father of almost two

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Success From Failure

Devotional Thought:

I am reading a great little book right now of Bible characters and I wanted to share this devotional thought with you.

Caiaphas was appointed high priest of Israel in AD 18 by the Roman procurator, Valarius Gratas. Caiaphas became the official head of the Jewish state and presided over the Sanhedrin, Israel's highest court. Next to the Roman governor, he was the land's most powerful man in Jesus' day.

But after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, Caiaphas and other Jewish officials called a meeting where Caiaphas demanded Jesus' death. At that point, Caiaphas seemed to be "the man to beat" but in the end Caiaphas was removed in AD 36 and we never hear from him again. However, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, filled his people and is ruling victoriously over heaven and earth. His impact is being felt in our lives today even 2 thousand years later.

Success or failure is not always evident from the scorecard. Don't ever look at your situation face value but instead look at what God can do through it. Sometimes our reaction to apparent defeat shows who the real winner is. When you don't come out on top, live like you did. You'll make a difference eventually.

(portions taken from People in the Bible - Wooddrow Kroll)