Saturday, October 1, 2011

EVERNOTE app - a speakers ally

Hey teachers, preachers and speakers,

I found a HUGE helper for your ministry. EVERNOTE is a great and free app but it's even better has an add-on for firefox that gives you a one click saver option. Its amazing. I have EVERNOTE on my iphone, ipad and macbook. Here's all you do:

step 1 - Download Firefox (which in my opinion is better than safari for free) I am unsure if you can download for safari. Its worth checking.

step 2 - Download the EVERNOTE add-on (free)

lets say you are reading an article, blog or anything online that you want to keep or read later, click the little EVERNOTE icon and it instantly puts it on an EVERNOTE in it's entirety. No need to copy and paste. At that point you tell it on the corner where to file it.

(hint: i created a notebook called "read later" and this way I will have it archived.)

This is a great tip. Hope it helps.


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