Saturday, November 14, 2009


For all my NY, NJ, CT friends, and who follow and keep up with us in this ministry, here is a taste for all who are coming and something to pray about:

Eccl 10:4 NIV
"If a ruler's anger rises against you, do not leave your post;calmness can lay great errors to rest."

We cannot panic when the world around us struggles and wavers. God never does. We must always remember that the peace of God didn't come from the world, nore can they take it. In addition, we were not designed to follow the world's secular leadership. Do not even think for a moment that any one organization or person is above the obedience God is due. This nation is under moral attack and who better to defend this world from itself but those that know and put their trust in God. The world as a people are not our enemy. The world as a system and state of conviction is. We obey and follow laws but God's laws always override the standards and influences of this fallen world. We follow the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Whatever you do fellow believers, don't leave your post! God has called us to do a great work. Never give up and never leave the assignment he has called you to!

“Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us.” — P.T. Forsyth

HUGE rally tonight at Crossway Church in the Bronx on Bruckner Blvd. Doors open 5:00 pm and seating is limited. Come and see what God is doing with this generation!


iRonnie said...

Thanks for the T-shirt U gave me on Times Square
Ronald from Holland

Thomas Ramsey said...

Hey, I was in NYC this past weekend while you all held the march through Manhattan. And I spoke with a few people wearing the shirts, We discussed maybe getting in touch soon and possibly ordering some of those shirts so we could wear around Madison, WI. We are all for your movement and would like to support it in this way. Please reply to this post with your e-mail or another way to contact you. Thank you.

A brother in Christ,

Tony Cruz said...

please visit to find out more and order a shirt.