As they continue to come in, I continue to report:
NJ Convention Testimonies
Burlington, NJ
"Hey, This was my first year going to Youth Convention.
I went as a student youth leader, or some title like that. I won’t leave a grand back-story here mainly because my past doesn’t matter. This convention taught that what I do with my life NOW is what matters — not who I was or what I did. God is who — and what — matters. The most memorable part about convention, for me, was during Session 2. I went up for the alter call. When I opened my eyes, — after praying while facing the ground, kneeling — I looked around me. I saw the lights and the fog. I took in powerful sounds of the Desperation Band. I felt the presence. I was in the moment. But, I felt as if this scene was familiar. The sounds, lights, and fog.
I realized that where I was kneeling was the exact place where I had prayed one of my first “alter prayers” 10 or more years before during a “He is Alive” performance. That experience — that revelation — made me think about all those “in between” years. It made me think about ‘what I said’ I’d do for God then, and ‘what I had done’ for God since. I thought, “All I did, was talk — or pray — a good game.”
Right then, I was hopeless. “I don’t do the things that I promise to do, God.” I wept. I tried to follow. I tried to do “Godly” things. I thought I knew about God.
But, I was wrong. I was trying to follow God while leading Him. That’s not what I was made to do. I was made to surrender — to worship and love. Not to try to play “God” of my life. With this I decided that — wherever God takes me — I’ll follow. Even if it doesn’t make sense, even if I look crazy, I’ll do it. Because I know that God+me is always the majority. . . But, this year I went to convention for the first time. I went with an attitude that said, “God, I want what I experience and what I do to be my ordinary. I want to experience you like I do at Convention. But, I want everyone to be touched in the same way. Make this extraordinary”
Surprisingly, I wasn’t disappointed with this event. My ordinary is now changed. Because ordinarily, I would leave these events and let God be “God of someone else” again. Now, he’s my God. That’s what’s Extraordinary."
"Hi, this was my first year going to a youth convention, but this was the best ever! I grew up in a Christian family and was saved when I was four years old, but God wasn’t really REAL to me. Because I grew up with the Bible and all that…I really didn’t read it that much. I didn’t really pray that much and when I did, I didn’t really mean it. Let’s just say my faith was really LAME! I was going downhill. But then something wonderful happened to me. My youth pastor came! At that time, there was really not that many youth so we didn’t have an OFFICIAL youth group. But then me and alot of my friends turned into teenagers and we needed a youth pastor. So, Justin came and let me tell you…he is the BEST ever! Anyways, he got me back on track with God and I felt a great relief. But, I had trouble seeing who i was and really why I was on the earth. Now lets get back to the convention…it was the BEST thing that has ever happened to me! I don’t know how to describe it, but it was soooooo awesome. I am 13 (almost 14) years old. I went to the first session at the convention expecting something great but I didn’t get something great…I got something extraordinary and amazing! And I have to say that I’M IN LOVE WITH THE DESPERATION BAND! Anyways, during the worship I felt the presence of God so much and I felt closer to God then I ever have before! I prayed and cried my heart out and the next 3 sessions just got better! Tony Cruz is an AMAZING speaker and he said the perfect words! I also love all his crazy stories! I am not the same person that I was when I walked into that building. I am a changed girl! And I have to tell you that the youth in my youth group that went to the convention went back to church on Sunday and made a great difference! We prayed over all the youth. We cried. We hugged. We joined hands in unity for Christ. This changed my life and I just have to say that was(and is) all was one word(or two!)…EXTRA ORDINARY!"
"This was my 3rd convention, and the 1st time I really ever felt something. I have heard Tony Cruz speak at the Northwest Section Snow Camp in January, and I was glad I got to hear him speak again. During the first three services during worship and the alter calls I honestly didn’t rally feel any thing. However during the 4th and final service, when Tony Cruz said to make it personal, I really started to think. I went to the alter to pray, when Tony said to think of a person you are close to who don’t know the Lord I immediately started to think of my friend Nicole. Nicole is really close to me and is pretty much like my sister. I started to picture her and started to cry really hard. I started to pray that she would open up her hind and heart and listen to what Angela(my other really close friend and almost like a sister) are saying. On the ride on I sent Nicole a text message, still praying that she would get to know the Lord. I told her that I loved her more then she could imagine, and that I cried for most of a alter call, because she does not know the Lord, and I promised her I would not preach to her. The next day, which happens to be today, I got a text message from her saying that she would talk about God with me. This convention was not like any other I have been to."
Sheldon Lightfoot Jr.
"Over this weekend i had a lot of highlights, like #1, oh i dont know, say, Desperation Band, Tony Cruz, and friends… But the thing that really made it completely awesome was the alter. The alter is the one place I came face to face with God after a long time away. I was trying to let everything jsut go passivly as i said what ever to things that were really important.
This is my 6th convention, and my last as a student. . . I was amazed and completely overcome with a sence of belonging. And I can’t believe that i almost let that go over the past few months. Over that time, i felt numb to God and a distraction came between me and the most important thing in my life. But God is faithful like that. He always finds his lost sheep. Thanks for ANOTHER SPECTACULAR YEAR NEW JERSEY!"
"Hi Tony, I went to convention last week, and I was really ministered to by your messages, especially the 2nd and 3rd ones. I've made some changes in my life which I hope will be permanent, and I've found out what God's will for my life is for the present. Keep being used by God the way you are! It's awesome."
“What our Lord did was done with the intent, and this alone, that he might be with us and we with him.”
~Meister Eckhart