Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I just preached an AM and PM at Livingston, NJ this weekend and a special spirit of God and peace hit the room on Sunday morning. One thing that I felt the spirit lead me to share I want to share with you. One thing I have noticed in talking to so many people is that they feel let down by the economy and that God maybe has not heard their prayer etc. I can fully identify with that. There are times that I myself feel like the intricacies or details of this Christian life become too much for me to trust God. "But take heart", Jesus said, "I have overcome the world." There is no mystery or waiting for this to happen. HE HAS DONE IT! No need to mail in your faith or to abandon the promises He has laid out for you. The promises have not departed nor has He. Make no mistake, you have a mission and God the father will make everything possible to see you accomplish that. Trust Him and get to work. Do not put off what He has called you today! Live your today like it's your last!

Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
- Pablo Picasso

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