Thursday, September 11, 2008


It been a long couple of days but Elisha and I are working through the adjustments of two children. Tricky is the best word that comes to mind. Fortunately my wife is a troubleshooter and is such a trooper. I understand why God gave me such a wonderful woman - to off set me :)

First Thessalonians 3:3 tells us that we should know that God sends people to encourage us "so that no one would be unsettled by these trials. You know quite well that we are destined for them." God has done that for us with family bringing food and showing love in various ways. I am grateful for all that have sent comments and emails. I think I sent over 50 txt messages sharing and have heard back from many. I would love to hear from you friends that read this. Since I do not have a myspace or facebook, this is my means of communication and I love sharing my thoughts on life and some other not so urgent things.

Be encouraged today and know that whatever God has put in your path, it didn't get there without His knowing and approval.

for pics of my son... click our website here

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