Pastor John Ortberg published a book entitled, When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box.
When he was a kid he always lost to his grandmother at Monopoly. She was ruthless and John says that every game ended with his giving his last dollar and piece of property to grandma, leaving him with only disappointment and sadness. The goal of the game is money, and grandma knew how to get all of it.
One summer, however, John met a kid who taught him some of the subtleties of Monopoly. Near the end of the summer he challenged his grandmother—and won! It was his moment of great glory. “Then,” Ortberg says, “I learned the final lesson—when the game is over, it all goes back in the box. All the houses, all the hotels, Boardwalk and Park Place, all that money—everything goes back in the box.”
As we remember Palm Sunday tomorrow, remember that when all is said and done the only thing that matters is all he did for us. Money, temporary. Fame, temporary. His death, temporary. The live that followed for you and for me, THAT is eternal.