I was recently approached online on what it means to be righteous and as I looked into it, many people probably have a vague idea of what this means. I decided to post my response here and answer the question maybe some of you may be asking. What does it mean to live a righteous life?
Righteousness obviously comes from being righteous and so let me start with what 'righteous' is.
Righteous means that you have been justified or cleared by God. For example, if you get a speeding ticket and you go before a judge and you plead guilty and the judge looks at your record and declares that you admitted you are wrong however, they are going to let you go and so the judge lets you off and tells you are cleared to leave but not to drive like that again. The judge 'cleared' you of charges and you are free. - NOW - In Christianity, the charge was Sin which has immorally and spiritually distorted our view on life and people BUT because of what Jesus did on the cross, we are cleared of those charges and are called to live RIGHT (righteous).
In addition to that:
'Righteous' living means to come to a place where your actions are a reflection of your belief. Righteous is to take God's idea of live, love and people and adopt them as our own. That is why Jesus was so hard on those who said they believed and didn't live RIGHT over those who didn't believe and were sinners. Those who believe are called to live 'RIGHTeous' lives.
The following are a few thoughts I found to be helpful when trying to understand righteous living. To live righteous, one must:
1. Resist evil. This means that whenever you have an opportunity to sin, you say no. This could be a temptation from someone else ("Let's go out and get drunk.") or from within your mind ("That guy just cut me off in traffic. Let me think how I can get even with him.") When you do commit a sin, you confess your sin to God and ask for His forgiveness.
2. Accomplishing a walk with God. You pray and read the Bible and praise God for His presence in your life.
3. Do righteous works. This means that you will roll up your sleeves and do the work that God gives you to do. You can contribute time or money to someone's needs. You could be the joy in someone's life. Just be loving, honest and friendly.
4. Live the Christian Life. You will show Christian love in your home and neighborhood and at your place of employment or school.
5. Rely on God. Remember, you cannot live a righteous life without God's help. This is a walk of faith with complete reliance on Jesus for His guidance and help.
We do these things in understanding that we are to do them with the Holy Spirit's help. Sarah, everyone that received Jesus Christ as their savior has access to God's holy spirit. He, through you, can achieve the work of God.
Also see
ROMANS 1:17 For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."
MATTHEW 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
“The just (RIGHTEOUS) shall live by faith” is a phrase that occurs in the Bible four times: once in the Old Testament, in Habakkuk 2:4, and three times in the New Testament, in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and in Hebrews 10:38.
A few verses to look up for yourself:
Friends, if you call yourself a believer dont let it end with your attendance to a 'bible' event. Let the bible revampt your life! LIVE righteous. How else will the world know the God we speak of?